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A Devastating Blow

Pere Ubu and Ubu Projex Headlines

Gagarin Dies

It is with deep sadness that we report the passing of Graham "Dids" Dowdall, aka Gagarin, on June 16 2024 due to cancer. A hugely respected musician in his own right, his involvement in the Pere Ubu story over the past two decades, has been essential to the evolution of the music. During the last months of his illness, he was insistent that there would be one more Pere Ubu album. He worked on many of the songs, giving his own inspirations whenever he felt well enough to do so. He is survived by his wife and partner, Noriko. No one can explain Gagarin to you better than Keith Moliné. His words are here.

Pere Ubu Returns To Paris!

The Pere Ubu Moon Unit has been asked to fill in the headline slot on November 26 at the BBMix Festival. The Moon Unit will consist of David Thomas (vocals), Keith Moliné (guitar), Gagarin (electronics), Alex Ward (clarinet, guitar) and the elusive Jack Jones (theremin). Guests will join the band. The venue is Carré Bellefeuille, 60 rue de la Belle-Feuille, 92100 Bologne-Billancourt.

What is the 'Pere Ubu Moon Unit'?

It’s a subset of Pere Ubu dedicated to generating new songs. Venues chosen are generally smaller, intimate spaces. Two or three members of the Pere Ubu band join David. Sometimes guests are invited. Recently, Duffy from Primal Scream sat in at the Brunswick Pub in Hove.

"Here comes trouble on Big Beat Street," David Thomas says. "The beginning of the next Pere Ubu adventure. The Pere Ubu Moon Unit makes songs that never existed before and will never exist again, songs orchestrated by the subconscious, and liberated from the cult of personality."

New on Bandcamp

New to the Ubu Projex page of 'official bootlegs' on Bandcamp is 'That's How You Play Rock Music' by Rocket From The Tombs. It was recorded at 4AD in Dijksmuide, Belgium, in 2015 during the Black Record tour.

New Pere Ubu debuts on the upcoming album

Coming in March/April 2023, the new album from Pere Ubu,'Trouble On Big Beat Street.' Joining Gagarin, Keith Moliné, Michele Temple and Andy Diagram are new members Alex Ward (guitar and clarinet) and Jack Jones (theremin). Alex, a force in the UK experimental scene, came to David's attention when he submitted a cover of 'The Long Rain' to DPK-TV. David met Jack in the pub. Andy, a member of two pale boys, has appeared in Ubu before.

Nuke The Whales Raves Coming In

AllMusic's Heather Phares notes how, with these albums, Pere Ubu "lived up to their reputation for subversion." It's the Editors Pick in Spill Magazine, "David Thomas and company never failed to impress, intrigue, and amaze their listeners and fans."

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390º Of Simulated Stereo (1981) The Shape Of Things (1976) Manhattan (1977) In The Shadow Of The Aeronautical Shot Peening Co. (1977) London Texas (1989) Apocalypse Now (1991) By Order Of Mayor Pawlicki (2020)

Special Projex


Other Recordings mouseover-button The Inward City - 15-60-75 Farm Report/City Desk - Wheeler-Ravenstine

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moonunit WATCH! The Moon Unit performing on a livestream broadcast on DPK-TV.

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The Pere Ubu Pirate Flag

pirate flagPere Ubu is a pirate ship, an entity comprised of equals dedicated to expediting the ship’s purpose. “Land ahoy! Loot, pillage!” Once the job is done, share out the spoils equally to every man, woman or boy onboard, regardless of race, age, sex or capability, and move on to the next destination. This ‘job’ was no different from the work of governments, merchant ships and privateers - in modern terms, corporations, unions and ‘rights’ organizations. “Ship ahoy! Loot, pillage!” A facade of laws and rhetoric legitimized fleets of galleons laden with the gold stripped from native peoples. Laws and rhetoric were contrived to funnel profits to fat cats. Pirate captains led by consensus and could be voted in or out. Sailors in the legitimate world, often kidnapped, received a pittance and were, effectively, slaves, harshly treated. Pirate flags, each unique, displayed coded messages - for example, 'Time is running out. We won't kill if you don't resist.''

The Long Goodbye

Pere Ubu album art The latest album by Pere Ubu, The Long Goodbye is the end of a road. David Thomas has been talking about Pere Ubu's journey on the road that passes Satisfied City for many years but he has now declared that they have arrived at the end. Named after Raymond Chandler's novel Mr Thomas says "This wraps up every song and story that Pere Ubu has been telling in different ways for the past forty plus years. It is one definitive hour that provides the answers to the questions we've been asking and delivers it up into what I consider the definitive destination. It is not the end of THE road for Pere Ubu but the beginning of a new road."

Paul Hamann (1955-2017)

Paul Hamann died September 14, 2017 in a Cleveland hospice. He was 62. Click here to go to the article.